
Girl Power

Girl Power

Sarah Ross

The ewes stroll in the afternoon sun, gleaming brightly in the light of day.

Girl Power

Sarah Ross

The ewes stroll in the afternoon sun, gleaming brightly in the light of day.



Sarah Ross

Today the 10-month-old ram we call Llama (because of his facial markings) got placed in with the ewes for breeding.


Sarah Ross

Today the 10-month-old ram we call Llama (because of his facial markings) got placed in with the ewes for breeding.

Morning Shine

Morning Shine

Sarah Ross

The sun peeks through thin fog to pierce the cold air, raining down beams of splendid light.

Morning Shine

Sarah Ross

The sun peeks through thin fog to pierce the cold air, raining down beams of splendid light.



Sarah Ross

On a day that started out in the mid-30s, the puppies bask in the warmth of the midday sun.


Sarah Ross

On a day that started out in the mid-30s, the puppies bask in the warmth of the midday sun.

Puppy School

Puppy School

Sarah Ross

Already a month old, Beretta and Ruger’s puppies are learning in-the-job how to interact with their goats.

Puppy School

Sarah Ross

Already a month old, Beretta and Ruger’s puppies are learning in-the-job how to interact with their goats.

Crop Circle

Crop Circle

Sarah Ross

Unlike some found on other farms, this crop circle protrudes from the ground.

Crop Circle

Sarah Ross

Unlike some found on other farms, this crop circle protrudes from the ground.