All Creatures

All things bright and beautiful, / All creatures great and small, / All things wise and wonderful: / The Lord God made them all.         -- Cecil F. Alexander 

At Loch Ross Farms we are blessed to be surrounded by a number of species that provide (yes) a lot of work ... and a lot of learning opportunities as well as entertaining episodes.

We are proud to be affiliated with Genuine MS.



Loch Ross goats are American Alpines, a breed purposefully developed from some of the world’s hardiest dairy goats – and frequent holders of world milk-production records.  Alpines are large goats that are friendly, curious, and full of typical caprine fun … all while producing great quality milk.  We use the goat’s milk for both animal and human consumption, cheesemaking, caramels, and soaps. 

Recently we added a Nubian doe to the goat herd, as Nubians provide higher butter fat percentage.  In August she gave birth to Flopsy, an adorable Alpine-Nubian mix we call Nupine:  an Alpine color pattern and floppy Nubian ears.

Terminology:  Female goats are does, and males are bucks.  Young goats up to one year old are kids (or specifically, doelings and bucklings).


Our sheep are Katahdins, an American-developed breed of hair (not wool) sheep used in meat production.  While originating at the northern end of the Appalachians in Maine near Mt. Katahdin, this breed's genetics include tropical sheep, so they are equally suited for the hot summers of Mississippi as for the cold winters of the Northeast.  Katahdin ewes make outstanding mothers and can produce up to three sets of offspring every two years.  We optimistically await the birth of the first "black sheep" of the Loch Ross family.

Terminology:  Female sheep are ewes, and males are rams.  Young sheep up to one year old are lambs (or specifically, ewe lambs and ram lambs).

Livestock Guardian Dogs

The day before we got Great Pyrenees as livestock guardian dogs, we lost 2 sheep to coyotes; over the years, we had also lost 11 sheep to neighbors' roving dogs.  But from the moment when Great Pyrenees were placed to guard the sheep and goats in the pastures of Loch Ross, we have not lost a single creature to either wild or domestic animals.  Great Pyrenees are worth their weight in gold - and they also happen to be very affectionate and typically eager to socialize with humans.


The stock parents are New Zealand rabbits - an exotic misnomer for an American-developed breed.  The offspring make excellent pets and are also suitable for eating.  From the two all-white original parents, we now have a line of "chestnut," sometimes monotone and sometimes with white points especially around the face.  Rabbits love the wild sorrel that grows on the farm - and sometimes we even catch a glimpse of a wild rabbit nibbling on the sorrel too!

Laying Hens 

Our hens are free-range while having all the benefits of a secure shelter too.  We feature ISA Reds and Wyandottes, both breeds known for excellent egg production.  The "girls" are friendly and inquisitive - and most days, ready to produce.  They love treats of farm-foraged goodies such as dropped camellias, a prolific weed aptly named henbit, and tender grass shoots.