


Sarah Ross

Now 15 weeks old, Ewenique (front left) enjoys a good graze with her flock.


Sarah Ross

Now 15 weeks old, Ewenique (front left) enjoys a good graze with her flock.

First Cut

First Cut

Sarah Ross

Today we cut the first gleanings of bahiagrass for the year.

First Cut

Sarah Ross

Today we cut the first gleanings of bahiagrass for the year.

Berry Good

Berry Good

Sarah Ross

It’s blackberry season!

Berry Good

Sarah Ross

It’s blackberry season!



Sarah Ross

On a day with frequent storm clouds, occasional oppressive heat, and intermittent breezes the evening begins with a panorama of all the day’s sky events.


Sarah Ross

On a day with frequent storm clouds, occasional oppressive heat, and intermittent breezes the evening begins with a panorama of all the day’s sky events.

Best Friend

Best Friend

Sarah Ross

How could these lovable white mops not be man’s best friend?

Best Friend

Sarah Ross

How could these lovable white mops not be man’s best friend?

Mr. Bow Jangles

Mr. Bow Jangles

Sarah Ross

Rainbow, rainarrow, rainstick… A bow by any other name would end the day just as beautifully.

Mr. Bow Jangles

Sarah Ross

Rainbow, rainarrow, rainstick… A bow by any other name would end the day just as beautifully.